it is important for us to seek to understand what it is like for the other Nations to view the world from their frame of reference. This doesn’t mean we have to give up our perspective, though rather suspend our prejudices to fully understand what life is like for them, to have compassion for others as fellow human beings in the world and attempt to understand others behaviors from their frame of reference.
🇨🇳 China, USA Relationship 🇺🇸

manage our struggles with difference.
Increasingly, the US-China Relationship has some adversarial aspects to it. It also still has cooperative ones, and the cooperative ones are in areas where it’s in our mutual interest to try to work together. US-China Relationship is ‘arguably’ the most important one in the World for Washington
⭐Getting Along Despite Differences⭐

In this article we want to explore the whole question of differences between people and nations, how they develop and are maintained and consider some ideas about what we can do to help ourselves manage our struggles with difference.
⭐USA Global Relations⭐

The United States has formal diplomatic relations with most nations. This includes all United Nations members and observer states other than Bhutan, Iran, North Korea and Syria, and the UN observer Territory of Palestine. Additionally, the U.S. has diplomatic relations with Kosovo and the European Union.
⭐Info Getting Along⭐

we want to explore the whole question of differences between people and nations, how they develop and are maintained and consider some ideas about what we can do to help ourselves manage our struggles with difference.

Wisdom is the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense and insight.

Deep Empathy is a Feeling of Love, Appreciation, and Genuineness that involves truly Understanding another Nation's Situation from their Perspective
International Consulting and Coaching

We assist individuals und corporations who desire to live, to invest and conduct business International, in the Dominican Republic, Florida and Switzerland.